Do i have to run…?

Nope! Above everything else we want people to get outside and explore Henham and the surrounding countryside. You can run, jog, walk or a combo of all three – just get out there and enjoy it!

Is the route marked?

Both the 3km and 10km routes are fully marked and should be straightforward to navigate. You also benefit from a well stocked team of marshals.

Are there toilets or water stations on the route?

We’ll have a number of water stations on both the 3km and 10km course. Toilets are available at the start/finish in the school.

Can I bring my dog?

Sadly not; our insurance doesn’t cover us for Dogs + Mass Running Events

Is the course buggy-friendly?

Yes! The 3km route is very buggy-friendly (although with approx 300m of hard packed gravel). The 10km is a multi-terrain event with several off-road sections and therefore it is only really suited to “proper” running buggies.

I only tend to run if there’s cake involved…

You’re in luck! The event is being run in conjunction with the Henham & Ugley Primary School Summer Fete. There will be cake. There will be a BBQ. There will be a bar.


All participants will receive a medal!

Can i sign up “on the day”?

Badgered into participating by a friend? Seen the signs and want to see what all the fuss is about? We’ll have a number of On-The-Day registration slots available. Just head straight to the Registration tent.

Can I park at the start?

There is ample on-street parking in central Henham but please be aware there will be a road closure from 9.30am – 9.45am at the top of Hall Road to allow the 3km race to start safely.

Is the race chip-timed?

We’re looking into this for the 10km event only (watch this space). The 3km event won’t be timed.


There will be a prize for the top 3 male and female runners in each of the 3km and 10km events. But it’s boring isn’t it when 99% of the field know they’re not going to get in or near the top 3…so all entrants (whether you walked in last or blitzed in first) will automatically be entered into a raffle with a chance to win one of a handful of spot prizes.

Race results

Race results will be available in the days after the event and will be shared online

What does the entry fee cover?

The entry fee covers a small amount of overheads; all profits from the event go to Henham & Ugley Primary School